Package: resampledata

resampledata: Data Sets for Mathematical Statistics with Resampling in R

Package of data sets from "Mathematical Statistics with Resampling in R" (1st Ed. 2011, 2nd Ed. 2018) by Laura Chihara and Tim Hesterberg.

Authors:Laura Chihara [aut], Tim Hesterberg [aut], Albert Y. Kim [aut, cre]

resampledata.pdf |resampledata.html
resampledata/json (API)

# Install 'resampledata' in R:
install.packages('resampledata', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • Alelager - Calories and alcohol content for ales and lagers.
  • Bangladesh - Bangladesh
  • Batters2005 - Batters2005
  • Beerwings - Beer and hot wings consumption.
  • BookPrices - Price of hardcover textbooks from mathematics and the natural sciences and the social sciences.
  • Bushmeat - Bushmeat in Ghana.
  • Bushmeat2 - Bushmeat in Ghana.
  • Cameras - Prices of a sample of point-and-shoot digital cameras.
  • Cereals - Information on various cereals.
  • Challenger - Data on 23 Challenger flights.
  • ChiMarathonMen - Data on Marathon times.
  • Cuckoos - Cuckoos
  • Diving2017 - Diving times in 2017
  • Fatalities - Random sample of 100 driver fatalities in 2009 in Pennsylvania.
  • FishMercury - Mercury levels (parts per million) for 30 fish caught in lakes in Minnesota.
  • FlightDelays - Information on 4029 United and American airlines departures from LGA during May and June 2009.
  • GSS2002 - Results from 2002 General Society Survey.
  • GSS2006 - Results from 2006 General Society Survey.
  • Girls2004 - Random sample of 40 baby girls born in Alaska and 40 baby girls born in Wyoming.
  • Groceries - Groceries.
  • ILBoys - IL Boys
  • IceCream - Calorie information for a sample of brands of chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
  • Illiteracy - Data on a sample of countries where female illiteracy is more that 5 percent.
  • Lottery - Winning numbers for the daily games from May 5, 2010 through August 15, 2010.
  • MathAnxiety - Math Anxiety
  • Maunaloa - Data on average CO2 levels (ppm) for the month of May from 1990 to 2010.
  • MnGroundwater - Measurements on water quality of 895 randomly selected wells in Minnesota.
  • MobileAds - Mobile Ads.
  • NBA1617 - NBA 2016-2017 data.
  • NCBirths2004 - Random sample of 1009 babies born in North Carolina during 2004.
  • Nasdaq - NASDAQ Data.
  • Olympics2012 - 2012 Olympics Data.
  • Phillies2009 - Data from the 2009 season for the baseball team of the Philadelphia Phillies.
  • Pitchers2005 - Pitchers2005
  • Quakes - Time between earthquakes (in days).
  • Quetzal - Quetzal.
  • RangersTwins2016 - Rangers/Twins 2016 Baseball Data.
  • Reading - Children's reading abilities.
  • Recidivism - Recidivism data.
  • Salaries - Salaries
  • Sat2008 - Sat2008
  • Service - Service times (in minutes) for 174 customers at a college snack bar.
  • Skateboard - Skateboarding data
  • Skating2010 - Scores from the short program and free skate for men's figure skating in the 2010 Olympics.
  • Spruce - Study of factors affecting the growth of the black spruce.
  • Starcraft - Starcraft
  • TV - TV
  • TXBirths2004 - Random sample of 1587 babies born in Texas in 2004.
  • Titanic - Data on male passengers on the Titanic.
  • Turbine - Wind Speeds (m/s) from Carleton College Turbine.
  • Verizon - Random sample of repair times for 1664 ILEC and 23 CLEC customers.
  • Volleyball2009 - Volleyball2009
  • Walleye - Length and weight measurements for a sample of 60 walleye caught in Minnesota lakes.
  • Watertable - Relationship between seedling growth and water table depth for a sample of seedlings.
  • corrExerciseA - Correlation Exercise A p.294
  • corrExerciseB - Correlation Exercise B p.294
  • manatees - Manatees
  • wafers - Wafers


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Last updated 4 years agofrom:24197e9192. Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 04 2024
R-4.5-winOKSep 04 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKSep 04 2024
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R-4.3-winOKSep 04 2024
R-4.3-macOKSep 04 2024



Readme and manuals

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Help pageTopics
Calories and alcohol content for ales and lagers.Alelager
Beer and hot wings consumption.Beerwings
Price of hardcover textbooks from mathematics and the natural sciences and the social sciences.BookPrices
Bushmeat in Ghana.Bushmeat
Bushmeat in Ghana.Bushmeat2
Prices of a sample of point-and-shoot digital cameras.Cameras
Information on various cereals.Cereals
Data on 23 Challenger flights.Challenger
Data on Marathon times.ChiMarathonMen
Correlation Exercise A p.294corrExerciseA
Correlation Exercise B p.294corrExerciseB
Diving times in 2017Diving2017
Random sample of 100 driver fatalities in 2009 in Pennsylvania.Fatalities
Mercury levels (parts per million) for 30 fish caught in lakes in Minnesota.FishMercury
Information on 4029 United and American airlines departures from LGA during May and June 2009.FlightDelays
Random sample of 40 baby girls born in Alaska and 40 baby girls born in Wyoming.Girls2004
Results from 2002 General Society Survey.GSS2002
Results from 2006 General Society Survey.GSS2006
Calorie information for a sample of brands of chocolate and vanilla ice cream.IceCream
IL BoysILBoys
Data on a sample of countries where female illiteracy is more that 5 percent.Illiteracy
Winning numbers for the daily games from May 5, 2010 through August 15, 2010.Lottery
Math AnxietyMathAnxiety
Data on average CO2 levels (ppm) for the month of May from 1990 to 2010.Maunaloa
Measurements on water quality of 895 randomly selected wells in Minnesota.MnGroundwater
Mobile Ads.MobileAds
NASDAQ Data.Nasdaq
NBA 2016-2017 data.NBA1617
Random sample of 1009 babies born in North Carolina during 2004.NCBirths2004
2012 Olympics Data.Olympics2012
Data from the 2009 season for the baseball team of the Philadelphia Phillies.Phillies2009
Time between earthquakes (in days).Quakes
Rangers/Twins 2016 Baseball Data.RangersTwins2016
Children's reading abilities.Reading
Recidivism data.Recidivism
resampledata: Data Sets for Mathematical Statistics with Resampling in Rresampledata-package resampledata
Service times (in minutes) for 174 customers at a college snack bar.Service
Skateboarding dataSkateboard
Scores from the short program and free skate for men's figure skating in the 2010 Olympics.Skating2010
Study of factors affecting the growth of the black spruce.Spruce
Data on male passengers on the Titanic.Titanic
Wind Speeds (m/s) from Carleton College Turbine.Turbine
Random sample of 1587 babies born in Texas in 2004.TXBirths2004
Random sample of repair times for 1664 ILEC and 23 CLEC customers.Verizon
Length and weight measurements for a sample of 60 walleye caught in Minnesota lakes.Walleye
Relationship between seedling growth and water table depth for a sample of seedlings.Watertable